What I am reading today The resurgence of China pessimism (Marginal REVOLUTION) Pearl Jam and The Blockchain (Trends... Find them, ride them and get off.)
What I am reading today From AI to drones: TCS has its foot on the innovation pedal (Forbes India Magazine) Is an Apology an Effective Marketing Campaign? (Knowledge@Wharton)
What I am reading today Carmakers are an undeniable voice in the Brexit debate (Martin vander Weyer) Delaying Babies, Using Toilets Could Roll Back Anaemia Crisis Of Indian Women (IndiaSpend)
What I am reading today 9 ways to get more value from business intelligence in 2018 (CIO IT Strategy) How Big Banks Can Become Too-Big-Too-Fail (Knowledge@Wharton)
What I am reading today Is Public Engagement A Duty for Scientists? (Discover Magazine) Carpe Volatility…Bitcoin and Amazon (Trends... Find them, ride them and get off.)
What I am reading today Final installment of stochastically best books to read on each country (Marginal REVOLUTION) The Tale of Tails (Trends... Find them, ride them and get off.)