Linkfest: April 03, 2018

What I am reading today

Belling the Cat (Elaine Ou)
How Leading CEOs Nominate Their Top People (INSEAD Knowledge)

Excellent thread on Amazon and the evolution of gatekeepers in the retail sector: … (Devin Haran)
Situation dependent happiness (Views on Life & on Equity Investing)
Power plants get 5-star rating in state pollution study (J-PAL News)
Momentum Monday – Where There is Volatilty There is Opportunity (Trends... Find them, ride them and get off.)
The Limitations of Metric-Fixation in Healthcare Assessment Standards (India at LSE)
How Leading CEOs Nominate Their Top People (Insead)
Gender pay gap update (Marginal REVOLUTION)
IDG Contributor Network: Facebook: in need of governance and agile architecture (CIO IT Strategy)


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