Linkfest: April 19, 2018

What I am reading today

Why We Burn The Unicorn (Bryce Roberts)
Least Productive Lok Sabha Session In 4 Years Wasted Rs 198 Crore (IndiaSpend)

Facebook Is Steering Users Away From Privacy Protections (Wired: Business)
Bangladesh's response to one of the biggest refugee crisis of the century (Part 1)  (India at LSE)
Don't just look at return, consider risk too (ISB Insight)
I'm an optimist for trade despite the idiocies of politicians (Martin vander Weyer)
India's banking system requires a stronger watchdog (Mint)
The Fate of Small Towns (The Urbanophile)
Facebook Is Steering Users Away From Privacy Protections (Wired)
Can The Drucker Forum Establish The Human Dimension Of Management? Steve Denning (Drucker Society Europe)


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