Linkfest: April 17, 2018

What I am reading today

Donald Trump's a lonely trade warrior but he's not alone (Mint)
The Pension Time Bomb: $400 Trillion by 2050 (Visual Capitalist)

The India-Pakistan-China triangle: a need for forward thinking development (India at LSE)
The Paradox of Protectionist Populism (Insead)
Platforms and Adjacent Market Competition: A Look at Recent History (ProMarket)
Timeline: How did China's largest listed 5G phone equipment maker land itself in hot soup? (SCMP: China Tech)
Anyone participating in internet video conferencing has experienced the frrrrrrrreezes and st-st-st-st-stalls. Stanford computer scientists have a solution. (Stanford Engineering)
New Digital Research Tool For Ancient Historians (History of the Ancient World)
a16z Podcast: When (and How) Biology Becomes Engineering (Andreesson Horowitz)
Facebook ready to enter payments in India, begins beta with recharges on Messenger (FactorDaily)


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